Friday, May 2, 2014


This is the age of txtng.  Y'know, LOL, TGIF, WOF (I don't know that one), and a lot of others, some alluding to profanity thinly veiled in a few letters, others just an extension of laziness.  Texting has become so popular, in fact, that a movement is under foot to allow school children the option of "creative spelling." What an egregious loss of the spirit of education, and the value of proper spelling imparts on the overall ability to read, to study, and progress in life.

The above sound-alikes are so easily mistaken one for the other.  In speech, they are hardly distinguishable.  In writing, their meanings are entirely distinct.

Perfusion (n) is the passage/seepage of fluid through tissue, through earth (as in rain), through an overcoat that is not waterproof.  In medicine, it is the process of delivering fluid to tissue or capillaries.  From French, perfuser, which means to pour over or through.

Profusion (n) means abundance.  "There was a profusion of poppies across the fields after the first rains."

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